Monday, July 20, 2009

Creation - the movie...

This year, marked the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin - the man who is well known for perhaps the most controversial and influential scientific theory in modern history. In such a year, it is fitting that a movie has been made about his life and his discoveries. This movie is called "Creation".

The Damaris group have got involved in this and will be putting together some resources so that people can meaningfully engage in it and the big life questions that it might raise. Damaris are a good bunch. I really like the materials they put out. They are thoughtful and balanced and good for a broad audience. I hope the movie comes to Australia (Damaris is based in the UK). It would be great to see the creation / evolution relationship played out again this year. On and around his actual birthday earlier in the year, there were a number of articles, interviews, discussions etc about Darwin. I've included some of the ones I came across if you're interested:

1 comment:

  1. Bible Society UK have dedicated a whole edition of their quarterly publication 'The Bible in Transmission' to the issue of Darwin and his legacy. I found their articles particulalry interesting.

    Check it out here:-


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