For a bit more info, here is a Courier Mail article on this story, and a 7:30 Report news item from the other night.
So, what is going on? Has Peter Garrett sold out? It is hard to say from this kind of distance, but there are some things that I've been thinking about in relation to this and it has to do with how we understand "integrity". In the case of Peter Garrett, people are criticising him for not living up to, as a government Minister, what he stood for as a political activist and rock star. But is it possible to stand for the same things, but have it look completely different depending on the role or context you are in? Is it possible to be an activist and rage against the government (what a luxurious position to be in), and be in the government (being raged against) and actually be on about the same thing, but realise that you have to go about it in a completely different way?
I think the mistake that people make when they question the integrity of people in difficult positions, is they think that intergrity means "doing the same thing in every situation". My thoughts on intergrity is that is means "standing for the same thing in every situation" (but this might involve doing things completely different in each of these situations).
So, I'm backing Mr Garrett at this stage. There are a few things he has said that make me think that he gets this, and that he is willing to take the flack of being misundertood to make the most of his position as a government Minister for the sake of the government. I am so niave...
Any thoughts?...