Thursday, January 3, 2013

Here We Go Again...

Hi folks, Steve here...

I started this "Steve's Greenspace" blog in 2009 because I wanted to participate in and promote the on-going conversation about the place of spirituality in our shared public life and public spaces. In 2009 I put up 55 posts on this topic, in 2010 I put up 25, in 2011 I put up 4, and in 2012 I didn't put up any. 

Despite this strong evidence to the contrary, I am still passionate about this topic, the on-going conversation and about promoting it... It's just sometimes, you know, life gets busy and blah blah blah / wah wah wah [insert further excuses here]...

So, my New Year's Resolution is to crank up the blog and to do a post every two weeks for all of 2013, which will mean after this one, another 25 for the year. If you're interested in this conversation and participating in it, then please do... and those of you who care that extra little bit about it, might keep me honest and accountable with my continued posting. 

You can become a direct follower of the blog if you like and you will then find out about the posts that go up directly from the site. I have also linked my posts to my Facebook site (somehow - don't ask me how) so some of you will get them that way via Facebook. If you don't want to be part of the conversation and don't want to receive the posts then either ignore them or 'unfriend' me because I don't know how to not make you receive them.

Before you decide, you might like to go to the blog and have a look through some of the previous posts, to get an idea of the kind of topics I've been looking at and what flavour the posts take... The address is

Okay, so you've been warned... 



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