Monday, May 16, 2011

Well Done, James...

Like all real men, I took only a cursory interest in the Royal Wedding. I sat at the kitchen table doing anything else while my beautiful wife Megan watched the wedding from prime position on our comfy couch. This arrangement suited me just fine. I was happy with the amount of wedding I was not tuning into... but then you can't help but pick up a few bits and pieces along the way in this kind of set up no matter how hard you try...

When James Middleton started to read the Bible Reading from Romans 12, I was drawn away from my not so important business at the kitchen table, and over to the TV... and this is what I saw and heard:

This reading from Romans 12 is one that I have read or heard many times before. It is the kind of reading that is easy to take for granted... I found James Middleton's reading of this passage very moving. There was a certain power to it that can't just be explained by the coaching he received . Anyway, it got me thinking about how the Bible and its message, in the right hands, can be powerful and moving... and also I guess, how in the wrong hands, it can be hurtful and repugnant...

So, thanks to all those who made the royal wedding possible so that James could deliver that great reading. It was worth the effort if just for that... I'm sure there were some other good things about it too...


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