Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ

Philip Pullman of "The Dark Materials" trilogy fame (better known to the general public as "The Golden Compass") has a new book coming out. It is called, "The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ". I wonder what it will be about (insert sarcasm here)...

But seriously folks, we really needed another neo-athiest manifesto like a hole in the head. I am now two years into trying to read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins, but am still languishing in chapter 2. Its opening chapter and a bit was so disappointing that I have struggled to bother with it. This was supposed to be THE world's most prominent atheist sticking it God, Christianity and religion etc and if it keeps going the way it has started, then atheism is in big trouble. Maybe it gets better as it goes on... Maybe I'll never find out... Over the weekend, I was horrified to see that "The God Delusion" made it onto "Appleyard's Dozen: 12 books that helped change the world" influential books list... God, help us all if that is what is influencing us...

Anyway, "heads up!", another one is on the way. Apparently, one of this new book's main tenets is that the Apostle Paul made up the divinity of Christ and influenced the writing of the gospels. Not startlingly original but interesting enough to make the papers. I will probably buy a copy and try to read it, but no promises...

I am in the process of reading Pullman's "The Dark Materials" trilogy and it is a ripping good yarn. It is a great example of the fantasy genre. It has been called the "Anti-Narnia", given its apparent anti-Christian themes, but apart from some slagging of at the church (I've been known to do this a bit myself), so far it has been thoroughly enjoyable. Apparently these themes ramp up more towards the third book, where they kill off God.

Interesting, I'll keep you posted...


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