It has been a few weeks since I have written something for this blog, and my aim has been to make two posts per week. But quite frankly, with a newborn baby in the house, it isn’t easy to find the time and mental space to check out what is going on in the world, think about it and write something mildly coherent on it. Babies take time and energy!!! (a huge news flash I know)…

I thought it was a good question (hardly having any energy myself for anything beyond family and work life of late). When we read the gospels, we read of Jesus and his disciples travelling around the countryside, creating a stir just about everywhere they went with their preaching, robust discussions, healings and exorcisms. Then for most of the rest of the New Testament, we read of Paul and his missionary friends travelling around the countryside, creating a stir just about everywhere they went as well. The picture is one of high adventure on the open road; living on the edge to advance the Kingdom of God in this world. Well, bully for them…

Well, Megan and I are about to redress this terrible wrong in the Bible… We are setting out to write a book called “Radical Domesticity” – celebrating the stories of the husbands, wives, mothers and fathers who are seeking to follow Jesus in radical ways in their domestic circumstances. We’ll also have a crack at articulating some key ideas on how to live a radical life in a domestic role. That is about as far as we’ve got so far.
We’re looking for submissions for the book. And stories – any ideas – will be welcome…
Great idea guys! Looking forward to checking that one out.